The C724 is scheduled to be available in West Africa around Q2 2022.
The C-7 Self Elevating Platforms is mainly active in near shore marine construction works such as new-build or maintenance works on jetties, breakwaters and piling activities.
The C-7 can take deck loads up to 400 mT and has a spud length of 38.5m allowing the platform to work in deep water ports and coastal waters with water depths up to around 28m.
The C-7 is delivered with IACS class notation and in varying configurations to perfectly suit each specific job requirement.
Additional deck equipment as winches, bollards, fairleads and piling gates can be easily installed with the standard Combifloat coupling systems. Optionally the platform can be outfitted with a Central Control System allowing the platform to be lifted and lowered synchronously.
Specifications here

Modular jack up working in senegal