Taking care of Quality, Health, Safety and Environment
In order to deliver first class products and services to our clients, Combifloat has a documented Quality Management System in place. Processes are described, objectives set, customer satisfaction and performance monitored and improvements implemented. This to ensure the highest possible quality throughout all our activities.
With our equipment being operated and services carried out in sometimes very environmental sensitive locations, Combifloat is well aware of the importance to protect the environment.
We strive to minimize preferably, prevent any impact of our operations on the environment.
In addiction to the project locations the same applies to our yard, office facilities and our subcontractors. Our Environmental Management System helps us to continuously plan and execute our operations in the most environmentally friendly way.
Paramount in all Combifloat operations is the care for the health and safety of all the people associated with our activities. We are actively committed to health and safety by carefully assessing risks before, during and after all our activities.
ISO standards:
Our Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Management meets ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 requirements. All Combifloat personnel is frequently trained and audited to work in accordance with the Management System in place. External review and certification of the Management System is in the hands of Bureau Veritas.
Associations and memberships
- Combifloat is a member of the IRO. An independent non-profit organisation that supports and promotes the interests of the Offshore Energy supply industry in the Netherlands.
- Furthermore Combifloat is a member of the International Jack Up Barge Operators Association (IJUBOA) and independent non-profit organisation with the objective to set, sustain and promote standards for the safe and effective operation of self elevating platforms throughout the world.
- Combifloat is also a member of BIMCO, the world’s largest direct-membership organisation for shipowners, charterers, shipbrokers and agents.